
43: Holiday Challenges + Dreaming About What Could Be

How can we have a merry Christmas when there are holiday challenges—very real obstacles to finding holiday joy? Let's talk about one simple yet powerful strategy that can help you rediscover confident hope and real joy this Christmas so that you can have holiday season you want.
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First, I want you to know that I understand (and I can testify that celebration is still possible even in a difficult life season).
Second, I want to give you a simple yet unexpected strategy to help you move forward and create a happier, less stressful holiday season. This ONE practical exercise can help you process disappointment and rediscover hope this Christmas!
You’ll learn:
  • How to manage the difficult emotions around your holiday challenges 
  • Why Christmas celebration is still possible through the challenges
  • How to adjust your mindset and welcome in hope with a simple-yet-powerful question

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Create a Less Stressful Christmas with the “Holidays Without Overwhelm” Masterclass 

Get everything you need to plan your best Christmas ever!

In this self-paced Masterclass, discover how to:

  • minimize holiday stress,
  • gain confidence to say no to those activities that don’t support your holiday intention, and
  • create a flexible holiday schedule that protects your family’s limits.

Plus, the Masterclass includes 4 bonuses to support your plan including:

  • a Christmas Bible study,
  • holiday audio affirmations,
  • holiday budget tracker; and
  • a holiday present list

In around 2 hours you’ll create a plan to guide your family toward a calmer, less stressful holiday season. Awesome, right?!

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Join me now for the awesome Holidays Without Overwhelm Masterclass!