
67: 3 Hidden Spiritual Growth Obstacles That Keep You From Growing Closer to God

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You want to grow closer to God because you know it’s important. Yet, you find yourself spiritually stuck. You can’t seem to make connection with God happen in your schedule. You wonder, “Why is it so hard for me to grow spiritually? Why can’t I seem to connect to God as an ongoing habit in my life?” My question to you is, “What might be some hidden spiritual growth obstacles–those thought patterns that might be sabotaging your efforts to grow closer to Christ?”
In today's podcast episode, let's dive into 3 hidden spiritual growth obstacles that keep us from growing closer to God.
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There are very real spiritual growth challenges, and we do briefly discuss them in today's episode. 
But in this episode we spend the bulk of our time talking about three big reasons why we often sabotage our own spiritual closeness with God: change, fear and trust. I’ve found that we often get stuck in these patterns (of wanting to grow closer to God but feeling like we can’t) because we’re stuck in these subconscious thought patterns that make spiritual growth feel difficult.
We’ll also talk a bit about how the brain works and how there may be some deeper subconscious emotions that may be playing a part in keeping us stuck in these areas. And we’ll talk about some very specific ways you can get forward movement so that you CAN get spiritual growth. 

Friend, we're not here to add more shame or guilt. 

Instead, this episode is a chance to understand some hidden reasons why you may be sabotaging yourself when it comes to spiritual growth… and how you can break this cycle!

Lots of practical tips and a-ha moments here in today's episode! Don’t miss it!

Related Resources on Spiritual Growth Obstacles + How to Grow Closer to God:


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NEXT STEPS: Overcome Spiritual Growth Obstacles in the Connected Bible Community

The Connected Bible Community was designed to help you overcome spiritual growth obstacles (including some of the hidden spiritual growth obstacles we talked about today) by giving you the daily structure to connect with God (the Spiritual Growth Rhythm™ Worksheets found in our monthly Bible Magazine) plus the motivation and community support of weekly meetings, ongoing conversation (and even optional group coaching). 

In the Connected Bible Community we give you the tools to make spiritual growth simple, helping you grow from a place of being frustrated in your faith to a place of confident, authentic connection with God. 

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You are the perfect fit for the Connected Bible Community if:

  • You want to grow spiritually (but feel stuck or don’t know where to start)
  • You have questions about your faith and need guidance through them
  • You can’t seem to stay motivated when it comes to spending time with God,
  • You want to simple ways to connect with God everyday (receiving from God, recognizing Him at work, and releasing worry
  • You want encouragement and accountability with other Christian women

Every month in the Connected Bible Community, you will:

  • Continue to grow deep in Christ with 4 weeks worth of Spiritual Growth Rhythm™ worksheets around a powerful monthly theme, plus devotions and other helpful resources in our monthly magazine
  • Share your answers and learn even more in our 2 live Bible teachings every month (via video)
  • Weekly celebrations, encouragement + prayer opportunities in our community forum
  • Discover new insights into yourself + find deep emotional/spiritual healing in our optional Group Coaching program 

If you’re looking for a way to grow deeply with God, find more peace, manage negative self-talk and discover accountability and friendship with a group of loving Christian sisters from all over the world, the Connected Bible Community is exactly what you need!