
97: 3 Categories of Spiritual Growth Obstacles: Pt 2: Life Rhythm Issues

Ever wondered “Why can’t I grow closer to God?” Want to know how to grow spiritually and find more peace and joy? We’ve categorized common spiritual growth challenges into three areas, and today on the podcast we’re talking about the second area: life rhythm issues. 
If you’re saying “I want to spend time with God, but I get distracted,” or “I can’t make time for God when my to do list is overflowing,” then today’s episode on how to create a daily quiet time habit is perfect if you feel like life is too busy to find time to spend with God. 
Grow closer to God | grow spiritually | quiet time habit | how to grow spiritually | Spiritual connection with God | too busy for God | Spiritual growth obstacles | spiritual growth rhythm | not growing spiritually | knowing God | spiritual growth | spiritual growth rhythm | no more religion | relationship not religion | how to connect with God | connect with God | know Christ | relationship with Jesus | personal relationship with God | quiet time | quiet time study |

Other Related Podcast Episodes on Spiritual Growth Obstacles 

Other Helpful Resources on How to Grow Closer to God

Connected Bible Community


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NEXT STEPS: Join us for the Reconnect 5-Day Spiritual Growth Challenge and Find New Hope in God

Ready to rekindle your faith in God, learn more about what it means to know God, or overcome some spiritual growth obstacles?
Join us in the Reconnect Challenge from Feb 15-19 as we rediscover hope + peace in Christ and commit to connecting with God for 5 days using a proven spiritual growth method known as the Spiritual Growth Rhythm™.
Here's what you'll get as part of the challenge:
  • 4 days of Bible study (Spiritual Growth Rhythm™ Worksheets)
  • Weekly Spiritual Growth Check-In Sheet
  • Spiritual Growth Assessment
  • 4 days of live video Bible Teaching by Alicia Michelle
  • BONUS 1 hour spiritual growth workshop
  • Access to private Reconnect Facebook Group for accountability, encouragement and interaction with Alicia and other ladies in the challenge

Kickstart your faith + find new joy + confidence in your relationship with God.

Join us for the life-changing Reconnect spiritual growth challenge!

P.S. Miss the Challenge?  No worries. The Reconnect 5-Day Spiritual Growth Challenge is in celebration of the Connected Bible Community, an ongoing online spiritual growth community for women. 
In the Connected Bible Community we grow closer to God, ourselves and each other through a monthly Bible study magazine on our identity as daughters of God. And we use the Spiritual Growth Rhythm™ (the same Bible study method used in the Reconnect Challenges and all Vibrant Christian Living Bible studies) to grow closer to God in about 10 minutes a day. We also have live teaching, prayer and so much more!