
let's talk about

the wonderful journey of parenting.

here's what I know:

Being a mom of four kids (ages 14 to 5) is fantastic and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


But at the same time, being a parent has been one of the most grueling, humbling experiences of my life. Truly!


On almost a daily basis, my kids prove to me that, wow, I don’t have (and never will have) parenting totally figured out.


The good news is that you and I don’t need to have all the parenting answers. And we don’t need to beat ourselves up for not being a perfect parent (because he or she doesn’t exist).


That’s why (instead of beating myself up for not being “perfect”) my main parenting goal is to remain humble and teachable.


I feel like God teaches me something new everyday about how to best raise my kids. Little by little, day by day, He's makes me into a better mom.


Today, with His help, I am "good enough." And, friend, you are too!

I want to share:


Three essentials I believe are key to being the best (imperfect) mom possible; and how I want to encourage you here on the site.

What's the biggest issue you have right now in your parenting? Let me know in the comments below!

Must-Read Parenting Posts

Want real-world parenting encouragement and advice? Check out these popular parenting posts.

How to Teach Confidence to Kids (11 Truths for Christian Parents)
Wondering how to teach confidence to kids? On the surface, it seems that teaching kids how to have self confidence[...]
#1 Way to Teach Kids About God's Love
I've found the best way to teach kids about God's love to encourage kids to create a daily quiet time[...]
“When (and How) Should I Talk to My Kids About Sex?”
Talking to kids about sex? For many of us, that’s about as comfortable as sleeping on top of a giant[...]

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#1 Recommended Parenting Resource

If keeping your kids safe online is incredibly important to you too, then I highly recommend Covenant Eyes. Our family has used Covenant Eyes for over 6 years now and it is the best internet filtering and accountability on the market! 


Covenant Eyes not only filters out the bad stuff but it sends you a weekly log of all apps and sites your kids accessed (or attempted to access) so that you can know exactly where they go (and how long they spend) online. Covenant Eyes works on phones, tablets and laptops--all their devices.


I can't say enough good things about Covenant Eyes! It's something every parent should have in their home to keep everyone accountable online. Go here to learn more.

P.S. If you ever need prayer (we all have those hard days!) I'm only an email away: alicia@vibrantchristianliving.com.

I'm excited to get to know you too and to share this parenting journey together!