
Category Archives for "Podcast"

Release control | rewire negative thinking | manage negative thoughts | let go of control | let go let God | anxiety and negative thoughts | overcoming anxiety | rewire negative thoughts | replace negative thoughts | new thought life | life coaching for women | Christian life coaching for women | avoiding burnout | how to avoid burnout | life balance | finding life balance | self care for women | finding calm | what is my capacity | set boundaries | I am stressed | how can I release stress | releasing stress | managing self

76: Transformation Story: How Kate Released Control + Rewired Negative Thinking

Releasing control can be so hard. How can we surrender our marriages, surrender our parenting and surrender our futures to God, especially if we are high achieving, hard working, type A women who are good at getting things done?    In today’s podcast episode, Kate, one of my coaching clients, shares her transformation journey about […]

Renew your mind | renew your thoughts | renewing your mind | how do you renew your mind | negative thought patterns | negative thinking | inner critic | overcome negative thought patterns | negative thinking patterns | cognitive restructuring |. Retrain your brain | reverse negative thinking | stop negative thoughts

72: Mindset Matters: How to Renew Your Mind + Overcome Negative Thought Patterns

Want practical tips to renew your mind like the Bible encourages in Romans 12:2? We must learn to overcome negative thought patterns, reverse negative thinking, and manage our thoughts if we want to have life balance and live with freedom and power as God’s daughters.  Today we’re talking about why our thoughts matter (not only […]

4 parts of self | four parts of self | 4 parts of self concept | emotional self | spiritual self | intellectual self | running away from problems | running away from your problems | what’s going on inside | hiding your feelings | suppressing your emotions | how to stop hiding my feelings | finding inner healing | inner healing | running away from my problems | life balance | finding life balance | self care for women | listening to your feelings | free meditation 4 parts of self | free meditation

70: What Do You Really Need? Listening to Your 4 Parts of Self (Free Meditation)

Our 4 parts of self–our emotional self, physical self, intellectual self and spiritual self–work together to create our thoughts, emotions and overall perspective.   Today we’re going to do a free guided meditation–something I do with my coaching clients as part of the Reset Group Coaching program— to look deeper into what your four parts […]

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